Day by Day cartoon

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The most gag inducing propaganda ever!

Last night the BSU & I wandered into Target for a little time killing. We passed by the book section where I discoverd two of the most noxious, misguided, and wildly jingoistic books I believe I have ever had the displeasure to peruse.

The books? Barack by Jonah WInter and illustrated by Ag Ford and Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope by Nikki Grimes and illustrated by Brian Collier. Both of these pieces of dreck touch upon Barry's concern for the poor people of Indonesia when he lived there and his wonder about what he could do to help these less fortunate people. Don't forget, Barry moved to Jakarta when he was 6 years old yet he was, according to both these books, concerned beyond consolation and wanted to help the natives and from this, he grew up to be the caregiver that he is.

Another facet of Barry's life that both these books focus on is his deep religious faith and participation in Trinity United Church with it's delightful pastor Jeremiah Wright. You remember, Rev. Wright was the preacher that exclaimed from the pulpit that his congregation shouldn't sing God Bless America but rather should proclaim, "God damm America!" Both of these disgusting books show Barry sitting in his place in Rev Wright's congregation with tears running down his cheeks as he worries how he can help those less fortunate people in his neighborhood!

These books really are despicable and do a disservice to our new president with their overly simplified and one-sided description of Barry's past. they are attempting to deify him to our children before he ever completes the first day on the job. They are pathetic and deserve nothing but derision.

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